island of Caelum
Welcome, to Caelum, the island of lost souls. Here, you will take a
tour of the island.
The Plains
These are the mountain plains. Don't be fooled, they end quite suddenly.
Forests of Caelum
(left) This is the forest to the north of the Nelu river.
(center) This is the enterance to the forest that encompasses the ruins
(right) Often foggy, this is the forest to the South East of the ruins
Beach Heaven
(left) This is the beach to the South West
(right) Often slippery, this is a picture of the shoreline of the North West
Rivers and Deposits
There are only 2 rivers that twist through Caelum
(left)Nelu, this river flows to the southwest and empties into
the quaria lagoon
(right) Unlike it's sister the Nelu, this is the Capuka, and it runs south east into the cove.
The Quaria Lagoon
Points of interest
Rumor has it, a tragic death took place here, and is marked by a blood red tree.
This is Castle Ridge. is this ridge possibly hiding a secret?
This is the northern end of the Caelum ruins. though, tales tell that at night there is evil that runs wild.
Caelum holds many more secrets for you to find, if you are willing ot search. but remember to be gone by dusk.